FROM Article Made It To The Top 100 in Transformation and Innovation for 2021
Founder and CEO of FROM, Howard Tiersky, had two articles featured by Braden Kelley, creator of the Human-Centered Change methodology and innovation influencer, in his list of Top 100 innovation articles.
One of the articles that was featured:
While strategies are important, Tiersky argues that it’s possible for people to be too focused on a single goal that they miss out on great opportunities for the company simply because it wasn’t part of the plan. Here’s a quote from the article:
“Ideally, find a balance of mostly strategic activities, but carve out some time for non-strategic activity to allow employees to be creative and freely come up with new ideas that just might turn into something great.
An example of a company who does this well and has seen success come out of this strategy is Google. Google offers “20% time,” which allows each employee to spend 20% of their work time on independent projects they feel will benefit Google in the long run without having to justify it to anyone.”